The Second Sunday in Advent - Online Worship - December 10, 2023


Lord of Life LIVE - The Second Sunday in Advent

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Sunday Worship - The Third Sunday in Advent & Christmas Program
December 17, 2023, 9:30AM

Sunday Worship - Christmas Eve & The Fourth Sunday in Advent
December 24, 2023, 9:30AM & 4:00PM
(Faith Quest does not meet)

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All are welcome, encouraged to visit the Prayer Cross as moved to do so.


Song of Promised Return

Jesus, Messiah


vs. 1
He became sin
Who knew no sin
That we might become
His righteousness
He humbled Himself
And carried the cross
Love so amazing
Love so amazing

Jesus Messiah
Name above all names
Blessed Redeemer
The Rescue for sinners
The Ransom from heaven
Jesus Messiah
Lord of all

All our hope is in You
All our hope is in You
All the glory to You God
The Light of the world


Jesus Messiah
Lord of all
The Lord of all
The Lord of all


Litany of Hope in The Christ’s Promised Return

Based on Psalm 51

Today we trust anew in every sign of the promise, and the joy and hope we have, in the arrival and in the promised advent of Jesus Messiah, The Lord of all, so we prepare, and we worship, in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit.

Amen. Have mercy on me, O Lord, according to your steadfast love and mercy. Against you, and you alone have I sinned. Wash me thoroughly and cleanse my sin.

People of God: As we prepare for our Lord to renew our hearts and to break into our world and lives again, let us take a moment of silence to confess our sins and those times we have failed to place our hope in The Christ, or to trust his presence and promised return.

(Silence for Reflection)

Friends in Christ: Jesus who was born in a manger, who died and rose for you, and who will come again, gives you every sign promised, in the grace of these words: Jesus saves, Jesus, forgives you all your sins. You have been washed and made white as snow. One day, God’s grace will be complete, for one day, the King shall come again!

Song of Grace Anew

The King Shall Come


vs. 1
The King shall come
When morning dawns
And light triumphant breaks
When beauty gilds
The eastern hills
And life to joy awakes

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me; fill me with every sign you have promised. Cast me not away from your presence, and do not take your Holy Spirit from me.

Friends in Christ: Jesus has restored the joy of our salvation in his birth, death and resurrection, and in his promised return. Truly, the signs of God’s grace are promised and being made ready for one and all! A new and right spirit is born! Jesus is making us ready, for the day is coming when Jesus will come, and we shall see his face!

Song of Grace Anew

The King Shall Come


vs. 4|
Oh brighter than
That glorious morn
Shall dawn upon our race
The day when Christ
In splendor comes
And we shall see his face


Stir up your power, O Lord. Come, prepare the way for your Son, and get us ready for every sign of your love and grace, for every sign of your presence and promised return. Shine your light on us, as you alone banish the darkness. Increase our faith to trust anew your mercy, this Advent and Christmas. On this Second Sunday in Advent, as we light The Bethlehem candle, prepare us like never before to receive you into our hearts and everyday lives. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


Song Lighting the Advent Wreath

Light One Candle


vs. 2
Light two candles to watch for Messiah 
Let the light banish darkness
He shall feed the flock like a shepherd 
Gently lead them homeward


All Children are invited to attend Faith Quest for a time of education, singing, and crafts. Children will also be rehearsing music and roles for our Christmas program!


Song of Preparation

Prepare the Royal Highway

Franzen & Herran

vs. 1
Prepare the royal highway
The King of kings is near
Let ev’ry hill and valley
A level road appear
Then greet the King of glory
Foretold in sacred story

Hosanna to the Lord
For he fulfills God’s Word


Mark 1:1-8

The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. As it is written in the prophet Isaiah, “See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way; the voice of one crying out in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.’” John the baptizer appeared in the wilderness, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. And people from the whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem were going out to him, and were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins. Now John was clothed with camel’s hair, with a leather belt around his waist, and he ate locusts and wild honey. He proclaimed, “The one who is more powerful than I is coming after me; I am not worthy to stoop down and untie the thong of his sandals. I have baptized you with water; but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”

(New Revised Standard Version)


based on Luke 1:67-79

Long ago the prophet Zechariah spoke these words as a sign of hope and promise to his son, John the Baptist. God is still sending signs to us, and speaking these words of our Savior, that we might be assured, that we might believe, and tell the story.

Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has looked favorably on his people and redeemed them. He has raised up a mighty savior for us in the house of his servant David, as he spoke through the mouth of his holy prophets from of old, that we would be saved from our enemies and from the hand of all who hate us. Thus he has shown the mercy promised to our ancestors, and has remembered his holy covenant, the oath that he swore to our ancestor Abraham, to grant us that we, being rescued from the hands of our enemies, might serve him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him all our days. And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways, to give knowledge of salvation to his people by the forgiveness of their sins. By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. Amen.


The Sign Made Ready

ISAIAH 40:1-11; 2 PETER 3:8-15A; MARK 1:1-8

What are you doing to get ready for Christmas this year?  Gift buying, card sending, list making, decorating, baking?  How do you know you are getting things done?  Do the gifts pile up under the tree?  Do the cards leave your desk?  Do your lists get checkmarks?  Does your house change its look?  Does your pantry and frig and freezer fill up?  "Prepare the way of the Lord."  Jesus and the prophet Isaiah tell us to get ready, to prepare for the Lord, `to make his path straight.'  How do we do this?  Christmas is coming.  Christ is coming.  Nothing we can do will stop him or slow him down.  Time will run out.  Left to us, we will not be prepared, paths will be anything but straight.  What if we believed and trusted God’s signs of grace in our midst, that God is The One making sure every sign is made ready, that grace is ready, that Jesus is ready, that all is prepared?  Let us trust and celebrate and give thanks, there is nothing we can do to stop the signs made ready, to stop or to slow salvation.  Ready or not, God’s grace is ready to ready us!

1. Trust signs are being made ready, for God’s grace is all ready to ready you, not just for Christmas but for Christ!
Isaiah 40:1-3; 2 Peter 3:14; Mark 1:1-3

A. Signs are being made ready, for God’s grace to ready us just like the little town of Bethlehem.
Isaiah 40:8-10; 2 Peter 3:10

i. Decorations point beyond themselves.  God readies us to point beyond ourselves.

ii. Long ago, God in grace readied Bethlehem.  Grace will ready us.

iii. Grace made all things ready once before.  Trust in grace, for God to prepare the way again and again is no problem.

B. Signs are being made ready, for God’s grace will ready us, making us white as snow.
Mark 1:4, 8

i. `Don’t forget to clean before the guests arrive.’

ii. As we uncover the dirt, mercy and grace will ready us.

C. Signs are being made ready!  God will ready us for the wilderness, for the brokenness, for parts of life crying out for life.
Isaiah 40:1-3

i. The Story Of St. Nicholas on December 6 is a good story and a sign of grace, readying us to ready others.

ii. Grace is indeed all ready to ready you to ready others.

D. Signs are being made ready, God’s grace will ready us to be ready for the expected, for Christmas, for The Christ, to get in line, for the every day signs, gifts of God’s grace.
2 Peter 3:8-10

i. Christmas is coming.  Nothing we can do to stop it or slow it down.

ii. Christ is coming.  Nothing we can do to stop his grace and his promised return.

iii. Trust The Holy Spirit has made you ready, to “get in line to see Jesus,” for The Best Sign of God’s grace!

2. As we follow the Savior, we hear the call to be faithful.  In the midst of getting ready for Christmas and The Christ, we often wonder how it will all get done.  Having God call us to `prepare the way of the Lord’ is a joyful calling and a heavy demand.  How can we do it all?  By His grace! By The Spirit!  Indeed, the hope of Advent, the certainty of Christ’s return, and the promise of Christmas is: God’s grace has all things ready for all things!  The signs are made ready, for God’s grace has prepared you and I, for the way of The Lord!
Isaiah 40:11; Mark 1:7


Offering is available for our indoor services. Find a Lord of Life with a volunteer bucket to deposit offering in person as you leave worship today. If you find yourself wanting to offer your gifts to Lord of Life, you can do so online using the link below. You can also drop offering at anytime in our secure mailbox at Lord of Life located in the parking lot.


Song Ready For Signs Anew

O Little Town of Bethlehem


vs. 1
O little town of Bethlehem
How still we see thee lie
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep
The silent stars go by
Yet in thy dark streets shineth
The everlasting light
The hopes and fears of all the years
Are met in thee tonight

vs. 2
For Christ is born of Mary
And gathered all above
While mortals sleep the angels keep 
Their watch of wond’ring love
O morning stars together
Proclaim the holy birth
And praises sing to God the King
And peace to all the earth

vs. 3
How silently how silently
The wondrous gift is giv’n
So God imparts to human hearts
The blessings of his heav’n
No ear may hear his coming
But in this world of sin
Where meek souls will receive him still 
The dear Christ enters in


Litany of Preparation Which Points Us to Jesus Christ

As we prepare to celebrate Christmas, which gives us hope in Jesus’ presence and promised return, we share many traditions that point beyond themselves to the Savior. Earlier today we lit the Advent wreath. As we hang wreaths on our homes and share the Advent wreath, the circle shape reminds us life has no end. The blue candles announce Christ’s royalty, our call to repentance, and sorrow for our sins. The pink candle lit during the third week of Advent proclaims the joy we know and share as we wait for Jesus to come again.
As we look to Christ in Christmas, may we remember and tell of how Jesus forgives us and that life in him goes on and on.

Throughout the Christmas preparation and celebration, people make, buy and share in the giving of gifts. Of course, the first gifts were brought by wise men for Jesus. We share our gifts in this spirit of thanksgiving as we look to Jesus who is God’s special gift to us.
As we share our gifts, may we remember the spirit with which the first gifts were given, and may we give to others trusting in all God has given to us in the birth of Jesus.

The lighting of candles and decorating with lights has its origin in pagan customs of the cold, dark winter months. We who believe in Jesus as our Savior decorate with candles and lights to celebrate that Jesus is the Light of the world who warms us and brightens our path.
As we light our candles and put up our lights, may we remember The Light that has come into our world, a light no darkness can overcome.

The display of holly and poinsettia plants also point us to the Savior. The red berries of the holly plant remind us of Jesus’ blood that is shed to save the world, and the thorns of the holly remind us Jesus was born to wear a crown of thorns. The shape of the red flower of the poinsettia plant reminds us of the star of Bethlehem.
As we display our plants of the season, may we remember we are alive, with color and richness and new life in Christ, for we trust the grace and hope of our Lord’s death and resurrection, and that a star shines so all people will follow and know the Savior.

The nativity scene, or crèche, was started by St. Francis of Assisi. He wanted people to feel the joy and love that the baby Jesus brought at Christmas. By setting out the nativity in our homes we are reminded Jesus comes into our homes and lives to be with us as well.
As we set out the nativity this year, may we remember The Word became flesh to live among us, that you are the One who truly brought joy to Bethlehem, and you bring this same joy into our hearts and homes as well.

The Christmas Tree has its origin in the Paradise Tree, symbolizing Jesus dying for our sins. Popular thought is that Martin Luther adapted the Paradise Tree into the present day, Christmas Tree. A legend shares that as Mary and Joseph and Jesus fled to find safety in Egypt from Herod’s army, they took refuge under an evergreen in that region. The other trees had bare branches because of the season, and so the evergreen protected them while Herod’s army went by. God blessed the tree saying its branches would be forever green. Evergreens continue to be a sign of everlasting life.
As we put up our tree, may we celebrate the lights which point to the Light, may we enjoy the evergreen and know that God protects us and that we will also live forever, and may we remember the tree Jesus died on to forgive our sins and save us.

Through these traditions, we are invited to trust God is actively strengthening our family ties, bringing friends together, and most importantly drawing us closer to Jesus. May the traditions and celebrations we share always point beyond themselves to our Savior.
Thanks be to God, we have ways to celebrate the joy and the life-saving message of the season. May we see God preparing our hearts for his return, as we use our traditions to celebrate our faith in the Savior of the world.


... As we pray to you, Jesus,
We trust your signs; our hope is in your promise and your grace.

All these things and whatever else you see we need, grant to us we pray, for into your hands, O Lord, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your mercy through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.


Holy Communion will take place during our service. If you are not worshipping with us in person but would like to receive Communion, we will be offering Drive Through Communion at our building at 16200 Dodd Lane, Lakeville, Minnesota, following our indoor service. Drive Through Communion will be available between 10:15am & 10:30am.

For those worshiping with us in person, we receive communion through intinction; that is, you will receive the bread, the host, then dip into the glass of choice, either a red wine in the chalice closest to the host, or in a light colored non-alcoholic grape juice. All are welcome.

We also offer gluten free and pre-packaged options. Please take these options before arriving at the host to receive a blessing.


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us;
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,
Forever and ever. Amen.


Songs During Holy Communion

In the Bleak Midwinter

Holst & Darke

vs. 1
In the bleak midwinter
Frosty wind made moan
Earth stood hard as iron
Water like a stone
Snow had fallen snow on snow
Snow on snow
In the bleak midwinter
Long ago

vs. 2
Heaven cannot hold him
Nor earth sustain
Heav’n and earth shall flee away
When he comes to reign
In the bleak midwinter
A stable place sufficed
The Lord God almighty
Jesus Christ

vs. 3
What can I give him
Poor as I am
If I were a shepherd
I would bring a lamb
If I were a wise man
I would do my part
Yet what I can I give him
Give my heart

On Jordan’s Banks the Baptist’s Cry


vs. 1
On Jordan's banks the Baptist’s cry 
Announces that the Lord is nigh
Awake and hearken for he brings 
Glad tidings of the King of kings

vs. 2
Then cleansed be ev’ry life from sin
Make straight the way for God within
And let us all our hearts prepare 
For Christ to come and enter there

vs. 5
All praise to you eternal Son
Whose advent has our freedom won
Whom with the Father we adore
And Holy Spirit evermore


The body and blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, strengthen you and keep you in his grace, this day, and on into life everlasting.

Let us pray.
Almighty God, you gave your Son both as a sacrifice for sin and a model of the godly life. Enable us to receive him always with thanksgiving, and to conform our lives to his, through Jesus Christ, the Lord of life. Amen.

The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look upon you with favor and give you peace, as you await and trust God’s every sign in the grace of Jesus Christ. In the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit.

Let us go in the peace of Christ, celebrating the love of God, and serving The Lord of life.
Thanks be to God!


Going In Signs of New Tidings

God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen


vs. 1
God rest ye merry gentlemen
Let nothing you dismay
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan’s pow’r
When we were gone astray
O - tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
O - tidings of comfort and joy

vs. 2
From God our heav’nly Father
A blessed angel came
And unto certain shepherds
Brought tidings of the same
How that in Bethlehem was born
The Son of God by name
O - tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
O - tidings of comfort and joy


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Follow us on facebook to watch our services live on Lord of Life LIVE now on YouTube! Watch with us live at 9:30am on Sundays, or rewatch at your own convenience!


Today, Sunday, December 10th, we celebrate The Second Sunday In Advent! “And This Will Be A Sign For You; The Sign Made Ready!” Today our Faith Quest Sunday School ministry does meet! This morning we share, The Presenting Of The Greens!

Join us next Sunday, December 17th, as we celebrate The Third Sunday In Advent! “And This Will Be A Sign For You; The Sign Made Known!” Next Sunday, our Faith Quest Sunday School shares our Children’s Christmas Program: “The Christmas Story: A Poem”

Friends, today as always, all who proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, are welcome to God’s table of grace as we share Holy Communion.

For those sharing their generosity today, we thank you for your faithful giving! Offering is collected in baskets as you exit the building.

Friends, today as always, all who proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, are welcome to God’s table of grace as we share Holy Communion. For those sharing their generosity today, we thank you for your faithful giving! Offering is collected in baskets by the ushers as you exit the sanctuary.

We hope our worship will touch you, comfort you, reassure you, and grace you in some way! If you believe others you know would be blessed to receive this bulletin, the sermon notes, or our live stream links, please forward these to them.

From everyone on every level of leadership and service, we continue to pray for you and to give thanks to God for each of you! Please contact Pastor Jamie if he can serve you in any way:

We pray The Holy Spirit breathes anew on us to be God’s people and to be God’s Church, as together we make known and we trust anew God’s gifts of hope, peace, justice, clarity, calm, and comfort forever break forth in new ways for you and your loved ones, today, and as we share every gift of God’s light, love and grace!


Acknowledgments for today’s service include:

Litany Preparing For Christ’s Promised Return, written based on Psalm 51. “Prayer of The Day,” “Lord’s Prayer,” “Post-Communion Blessing, Prayer, & Benediction,” “The King Shall Come,” “Light One Candle to Watch for Messiah,” “Prepare the Royal Highway,” “O Little Town of Bethlehem,” “In The Bleak Midwinter,” “On Jordan’s Banks,” based on the LBW. © 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW) and With One Voice Hymnal Supplement © 1995 Augsburg Publishing House, Mpls & Board of Publication, Lutheran Church In America, Philadelphia; & Evangelical Lutheran Worship © 2006 Augsburg Fortress, Mpls, MN. Used w/permission. Words & Music Public Domain:  “Jesus Messiah” © 2008 sixsteps Music CCLI #5183443 “Light One Candle to Watch for Messiah” © 2002 Birnamwood Publications CCLI #  “Jesus Loves Me” © Words and Music Public Domain, CCLI #4771887 “God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen,” © 1980 Beam Me Up Music, CCLI #39441  All rights reserved. All songs used w/permission. CCLI License #1380826 & OneLicense #A-724016.