Affirmation of Baptism -Confirmation Ministry
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.”
The main objective is for the student to grow in the gift of faith and the understanding of this gift of faith, by sharing in six experiences: (requirements below are on per year basis
Students are required to attend 60% of the worship experiences offered during the year, or 25 services. Worship notes are provided. Students are also required to share in leadership for worship in areas they wish - nursery, reader, usher, helping prepare and clean up, learning sound/AV equipment, singing/playing with worship leaders, Youth Sunday, (TBF), etc. Express your interest in volunteering by completing our Volunteer Interest form.
Students required to complete 4 units each year; 12 in 3 years. The tentative schedule for units/dates is below. Classes tentatively scheduled for 11 a.m. each Sunday.
10/06/24 - Holy Baptism
11/03/24 - Old & New Testament
02/02/25 - Jesus
03/02/25 - Holy Communion
10/13/24 - Parables
11/10/24 - Creeds
02/09/25 - Prayers
03/09/25 - Holy Week
10/27/24 - Messengers
11/17/24 - Trinity
02/23/25 - Book of Acts
03/16/25 - My Faith
Retreats are a way to build community, as well as to take a concentrated period of time to introduce a specific topic for study or reflection. The choice of one day retreat is required. On January 7, focusing on "Worship - Why We Do What We Do? & The Church Year." Another Day Retreat on a student led topic, will be scheduled. Day retreats will be scheduled on Saturdays or Sundays - trying to meet as many students needs as possible. Preferred are Saturdays, from 10:00 a.m.-2/4:00 p.m. This allows for class time, lunch, and fellowship. I will gladly welcome those who wish to help plan a seasonal retreat, and/or a camping experience.
Students are required to be part of 2 or more service projects. Service areas include but are not limited to: Helping with Moms & Neighbors, (publicity, shopping, wrapping), Easter Egg Hunt; Assisting Food Drives, including delivery or time at the Food Shelf; "Feed My Starving Children," "Adopt-A-Highway," Veteran's events, Blood Drives, Seasonal or Weekly Set Up & Cleaning efforts inc. landscape and/or shoveling, Visiting local Senior Citizens with Pastor Jamie, Faith Quest or Sunday Morning volunteering, junior leadership during Vacation Bible School 2023, and more. You may also develop your own service project in the community - i.e., scouts, team efforts, or as a class, etc.
Beginning in Lent, personal journals and packets will be available. Students are required to complete one personal journal or study experience. The areas of reflection are Bible Reading, Prayer Journaling, Bible Memorization, or Faith Journaling
One of God's greatest gifts to us, is the gift of friendship and the strength we share with each other in faith. You are invited to join adults and students as a ministry team. I would like to see a youth directed FaceBook page, web page, youth board, newsletter, highlighting issues, concerns of teens, and publicizing events and classes, etc
Confirmation Sunday for this ear's 9th Graders is Sunday, September 24, 2023, with a banquet and rehearsal on Sunday, September 17, 2023.
The schedule for some of these events and the classes depends on coordinating schedules. (We have a big enough class where we need to just say 'this is when this will meet,' and yet, we are just small enough, that if 4-6 cannot attend a class, making it up or re-scheduling will be needed. I would appreciate your help in looking ahead to major conflicts as soon as possible.)
Adult volunteers and input are always appreciated. Please talk with Pastor Jamie if you are interested.
Please complete the registration form below!