The Seventh Sunday of Easter - Online Worship - May 12, 2024


Lord of Life LIVE - The Seventh Sunday of Easter

Upcoming Services

Join us next Sunday, as we celebrate Pentecost Sunday and Graduate Recognition Sunday!

Sunday Worship - Pentecost Sunday
”Feel The Rush Of The Wind In The Grace Of Jesus Christ!”
May 19, 2024, 9:30AM
Faith Quest Sunday School will resume on Sunday, September 8!
Vacation Bible School is July 15-18, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Details for VBS coming soon!

Join us in person or on YouTube for Lord of Life LIVE!


All are welcome, encouraged to visit the Prayer Cross as moved to do so.


The Lord is risen!
The Lord is risen indeed!

Christ is risen!
Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia!

The peace of The Risen Christ be with you always.
And also with you.


Opening Song in The Spirit

Here I Am to Worship


Light of the World
You stepped down into darkness
Opened my eyes
Let me see
Beauty that made
This heart adore You 
Hope of a life
Spent with you

Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that
You’re my God
You’re altogether lovely
Altogether worthy
Wonderful to me

King of all days
Oh so highly exalted
In heaven above
Humbly You came
To the earth You created
All for love’s sake
Became poor


And I’ll never know
How much it cost
To see my sin
Up on that cross
And I’ll never know
How much it cost
To see my sin
Up on that cross



Litany of Hope & Prayer, Alive & Anew, In the Risen Christ

Psalm 5

Today we celebrate Jesus is alive; the joy of Easter lives on and on; we are alive and anew as we share the treasured gifts of prayer and hope in the living grace in The Risen Christ, so, here we are to worship in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit.

Amen. Give ear to my words, O Lord. Listen to the cry of my voice, my God and my King, for to you I pray. O Lord, in the morning, when evening comes, all my days; hear my voice.

Friends in faith: In the glory of Easter, Jesus is alive to listen to our every cry. Let us take a moment of silence to share with the Lord our sins and those times we have failed to turn to him in prayer.

(silence for reflection)

Friends, God’s grace is alive; you are alive and anew in The Risen Christ. In the abundance of his steadfast love, Jesus saves; Jesus forgives you all your sins. Trust the Lord listens to you, his children praying. Worship him in awe!

Song of Hope Anew

Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying


Listen to your children praying 
Send your Spirit in this place
Listen to your children praying 
Send us love
Send us pow’r
Send us grace

Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness. Make your way straight before me. Pray for me; I am tempted to leave you. Keep me strong, that I may always call on you and take refuge in your great name.

Friends of our Risen Savior: The Good News of Easter lives on and on. We rejoice; we are alive and anew, in the hope and living grace of The Risen Christ. Trust the Lord listens to you, his children praying. Exult his holy name!

Song of Hope Anew

Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying


Listen to your children praying 
Send your Spirit in this place
Listen to your children praying 
Send us love
Send us pow’r
Send us grace


Loving and faithful God, your Son Jesus prayed the world might know him, and his followers might be one in unity. As Jesus prayed on our behalf, help us fold our hands to talk with you, to share with you, to pray to you, for ourselves and for the needs of others. As the Easter season concludes later this week, raise us up again, to be alive and anew, in the hope and living grace we share with one and all thanks to your resurrection. In The Risen Christ, we pray. Amen.


The First Lesson

Acts 1:15-17, 21-26

In those days Peter stood up among the believers (together the crowd numbered about one hundred twenty persons) and Peter said, “Friends, the scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit through David foretold concerning Judas, who became a guide for those who arrested Jesus – for he was numbered among us and was allotted his share in this ministry. ... “So one of the men who have accompanied us during all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, beginning from the baptism of John until the day when he was taken up from us – one of these must become a witness with us to his resurrection.” So they proposed two, Joseph called Barsabbas, who was also known as Justus, and Matthias. Then they prayed and said, “Lord, you know everyone's heart. Show us which one of these two you have chosen to take the place in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas turned aside to go to his own place.” And they cast lots for them, and the lot fell on Matthias; and he was added to the eleven apostles.

(New Revised Standard Version)

The Second Lesson

1 John 5:9-13

If we receive human testimony, the testimony of God is greater; for this is the testimony of God that he has testified to his Son. Those who believe in the Son of God have the testimony in their hearts. Those of us who do not believe in God have made him a liar by not believing in the testimony that God has given concerning his Son. And this is the testimony; God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life. 

(New Revised Standard Version)


Song of Trust Anew

What a Friend We Have in Jesus

Scriven & Converse

vs. 1
What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and griefs to bear
What a privilege to carry
Ev’rything to God in prayer
Oh what peace we often forfeit
Oh what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
Ev’rything to God in prayer

vs. 2
Have we trials and temptations
Is there trouble anywhere
We should never be discouraged
Take it to the Lord in prayer
Can we find a friend so faithful
Who will all our sorrows share
Jesus knows our ev’ry weakness
Take it to the Lord in prayer

vs. 3
Are we weak and heavy-laden
Cumbered with a load of care
Precious Savior still our refuge
Take it to the Lord in prayer
Do your friends despise forsake you
Take it to the Lord in prayer
In his arms he’ll take and shield you
You will find a solace there



 John 17:6–19

Jesus prayed for his disciples, saying, “I have made your name known to those whom you gave me from the world. They were yours, and you gave them to me, and they have kept your word. Now they know that everything you have given me is from you; for the words that you gave to me I have given to them, and they have believed that you sent me. I am asking on their behalf; I am not asking on behalf of the world, but on behalf of those whom you gave me, because they are yours. All mine are yours, and yours are mine; and I have been glorified in them. And now I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them in your name that you have given me, so that they may be one, as we are one. While I was with them, I protected them in your name that you have given me. I guarded them, and not one of them was lost except the one destined to be lost, so that the scripture might be fulfilled. But now I am coming to you, and I speak these things in the world so that they may have my joy made complete in themselves. I have given them your word, and the world has hated them because they do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world. I am not asking you to take them out of the world, but I ask you to protect them from the evil one. They do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world. Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. As you have sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify myself, so that they also may be sanctified in truth.”

(New Revised Standard Version)


based on Revelation 21:5-7

God’s Son born in a manger, who went forward in obedience to make us all one through his death and resurrection; he will come again. While we wait for Jesus’ return, we boldly share our faith, for we are alive and anew in The Risen Christ, raising all to new life.

God who sits upon the throne says, “Behold, I make all things new. Write these words for they are trustworthy and true. It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the fountain the water of life without payment. They who conquer shall have their heritage, and I will be their God, and they will be my children.” Amen.


Faith Quest Sunday School will resume on Sunday, September 8!

Vacation Bible School is July 15-18, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Details for VBS coming soon!


Alive & Anew to Pray in Living Grace

ACTS 1:15-17, 21-26; 1 JOHN 5:9-13; JOHN 17:6-19

We all need people to talk to.  Some of us need to talk more than others.  Some of us try to keep everything tucked deep inside.  Sooner or later, we all need to know we can talk to someone.  We may have different reasons for talking to people - passing along information, showing concern or support, making known our needs, thanking each other.  At its simplest, prayer is talking.  Prayer at its most powerful is talking with The Savior.  As the hope and joy of Easter continue, today we hear in John, Jesus praying to the Father on behalf of his disciples.  Jesus knew who he could talk to.  He shared with The Father everything on his heart.  Trust you are alive and anew, as Jesus says, "I am asking on their behalf."  Let Jesus pray for you.  Trust when you need someone to talk to, you are alive and anew in living grace, to talk to Jesus, about anything, any time!

1. We all need people to talk to.  Prayer at its simplest is talking.  Prayer at its most powerful is being alive and anew to talk with The Savior.

A. Conversation is two way - talking and listening.  Prayer is no different, we are alive and anew, to talk, to listen.
John 17:6-19

B. Once we start talking, start praying, we may be so alive and anew, we never run out of things to say.
Acts 1:21-26; John 17:6-9,11,19

i. passing along information

ii. confessing

iii. asking on behalf of ourselves

iv. asking on behalf of others; praying for others

v. decision making

vi. giving thanks

vii. giving praise and honor and glory

viii. surrendering

C.     Trust prayer helps, and `prayer helps;’ raising you up.
Acts 1:21-26

i. Prayer helps us.

a. Prayer helps us know we are never alone.

b. Prayer helps us know someone, The One, is always listening.

c. Prayer helps us even when we see the answer we want is maybe not always the answer, or God's answer.

ii. If you need help with prayer, help getting started, try these `prayer helps.'

a. The news - the news you see and hear.

b. Music - let the melody and lyrics lead you.

c. The Bible - The Psalms, a book of songs and prayers; much of scripture, written responsively.

d. Meditation, Prayer, require practice; `just do it.’

D. Talking raises us up, building relationships.
1 John 5:10-13

i. Prayer builds our relationship with The Savior.

ii. Prayer builds our relationship between faith and prayer.

2. Prayer at its most powerful raises us up to be alive and anew, talking with The Savior, talking with Who wants to talk with us.
John 17:9

A. Trust God raised Jesus from the dead to say, "I am asking on their behalf," to raise you up!  Let Jesus pray for you and raise up your every need to The Father!

B. Listen to The One who is listening.  Listen to all The Risen Christ is saying.  Jesus will never run out of things to tell you!

C. As the celebration of Easter continues, as the fifty days of Easter prepare to come to an end, believe you are alive and anew in living grace, trust you can talk with The Risen Savior, about anything, any time, for Christ is risen, Christ is risen indeed!


Offering is available for our indoor services. Find a Lord of Life with a volunteer bucket to deposit offering in person as you leave worship today. If you find yourself wanting to offer your gifts to Lord of Life, you can do so online using the link below. You can also drop offering at anytime in our secure mailbox at Lord of Life located in the parking lot.


Song of Hope & Grace Anew

Once Again


Jesus Christ
I think upon Your sacrifice
You became nothing
Poured out to death
Many times
I’ve wondered at Your gift of life
And I’m in that place once again
I’m in that place once again
Once again I look upon
The cross where you died
I’m humbled by Your mercy
And I’m broken inside
Once again I thank You
Once again I pour out my life

Thank You for the cross
Thank You for the cross
Thank You for the cross my Friend
Thank You for the cross
Thank You for the cross
Thank You for the cross my Friend

Now You are
Exalted to the highest place
King of the heavens
Where one day I’ll bow
But for now
I marvel at this saving grace
And I’m full of praise once again
I’m full of praise once again
Once again I look upon
The cross where you died
I’m humbled by Your mercy
And I’m broken inside
Once again I thank You
Once again I pour out my life


… as we pray to you, living Jesus, ...

The Spirit
Intercedes for us
With sighs too deep
For words to express
Oh oh oh

All these things and whatever else you see we need, grant to us we pray, for into your hands, O Lord, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your mercy, through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord and Savior.


Holy Communion will take place during our service. If you are not worshipping with us in person but would like to receive Communion, we will be offering Drive Through Communion at our building at 16200 Dodd Lane, Lakeville, Minnesota, following our indoor service. Drive Through Communion will be available between 10:15am & 10:30am.

For those worshiping with us in person, we receive communion through intinction; that is, you will receive the bread, the host, then dip into the glass of choice, either a red wine in the chalice closest to the host, or in a light colored non-alcoholic grape juice. All are welcome.

We also offer gluten free and pre-packaged options. Please take these options before arriving at the host to receive a blessing.


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us;
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,
Forever and ever. Amen.


Songs During Holy Communion

Down to the River to Pray

Allan & Krauss

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who should wear the starry crown
Good Lord show me the way
O sisters let’s go down
Let’s go down come on down
O sisters let’s go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who should wear the robe & crown
Good Lord show me the way
O brothers let’s go down
Let’s go down come on down
O brothers let’s go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who should wear the starry crown
Good Lord show me the way
O fathers let’s go down
Let’s go down come on down
O fathers let’s go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who should wear the robe & crown
Good Lord show me the way
O mothers let’s go down
Let’s go down come on down
O mothers let’s go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who should wear the starry crown
Good Lord show me the way
O sinners let’s go down
Let’s go down come on down
O sinners let’s go down
Down in the river to pray


The body and blood of our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, strengthen you and keep you in the living grace of The Risen Christ, this day, this most blessed and holy morning, and on into life everlasting.

Let us pray.
Pour out upon us the spirit of your love, O Lord, and unite the wills of those whom you have fed with one heavenly food; through Jesus Christ, The Risen Lord of life. Amen.

The Risen Lord bless you and keep you. The Risen Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Risen Lord look upon you with favor and give you peace, for you are alive and anew, in the living grace of Jesus Christ. In the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit.

Christ is risen!
Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia!

With Easter hearts; let us go in the peace of Christ, alive and anew, celebrating the love of God, and serving The Risen Lord of life.
Thanks be to God! Alleluia!


Going in Grace

One Thing Remains (Your Love Never Fails)


vs. 1
Higher than the mountains that I face
Stronger than the power of the grave
Constant in the trial and the change
One thing remains
One thing remains

Your love never fails
It never gives up
Never runs out on me
Your love never fails
It never gives up
Never runs out on me
Your love never fails
It never gives up
Never runs out on me
Your love

vs. 2
On and on and on and on it goes
It overwhelms and satisfies my soul
And I never ever have to be afraid
One thing remains
One thing remains


In death
In life
I’m confident
And covered by
The pow’r
Of Your great love
My debt
Is paid
There’s nothing that
Can separate
My heart
From Your great love

(repeat then refrain)


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Follow us on facebook to watch our services live on Lord of Life LIVE now on YouTube! Watch with us live at 9:30am on Sundays, or rewatch at your own convenience!


A most holy and blessed Easter season to each of you and your loved ones! Friends, every day is Easter! For Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Today, we celebrate The Great Fifty Days Of Easter continue: Sunday, May 12, The Seventh Sunday Of Easter “Alive And Anew, To Pray In Living Grace!” A Happy And Blessed Mother’s Day To One And All! Faith Quest Sunday School will resume on Sunday, September 8! Vacation Bible School is July 15-18, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Details for VBS coming soon!

Join us next Sunday, as we celebrate Pentecost Sunday and Graduate Recognition Sunday! Next Sunday, May 19, Pentecost Sunday “Feel The Rush Of The Wind In The Grace Of Jesus Christ!” Faith Quest Sunday School will resume on Sunday, September 8! Vacation Bible School is July 15-18, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Details for VBS coming soon!

As we share our worship, we give thanks for every volunteer as you bless our ministry, greeting, ushering, nursery, serving communion, live streaming, AV ministry, set up, clean up, fellowship, worship leaders, and more! You can access details and ways to sign up on our website and Facebook page! Thank you!

Friends, today as always, all who proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, are welcome to God’s table of grace as we share Holy Communion. For those sharing their generosity today, we thank you for your faithful giving! Offering is collected in baskets by the ushers as you exit the sanctuary.

We hope our worship will touch you, comfort you, reassure you, and grace you in some way! If you believe others you know would be blessed to receive this bulletin, the sermon notes, or our live stream links, please forward these to them.

From everyone on every level of leadership and service, we continue to pray for you and to give thanks to God for each of you! Please contact Pastor Jamie if he can serve you in any way:

We pray The Holy Spirit breathes anew on us to be God’s people and to be God’s Church, as together we make known and we trust anew God’s gifts of hope, peace, justice, clarity, calm, and comfort forever break forth in new ways for you and your loved ones, today, and as we share every gift of God’s light, love and grace!


Acknowledgments for today’s service include:

Litany Of Hope And Prayer Alive & Anew, In The Risen Christ – written based on Psalm 5. “Lord, Listen To Your Children Praying,” “What A Friend We Have In Jesus,”  “Prayer of The Day,” “The Lord’s Prayer,” “Post-Communion Blessing, Prayer, & Benediction,” based on the Lutheran Book of Worship. © 1978 Augsburg Publishing House, Minneapolis & Board of Publication, Lutheran Church In America, Philadelphia. Used with permission. “Here I Am To Worship” © 2000 Thankyou Music CCLI #3266032  “Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying” © 1973 Hope Publishing, CCLI #22829 “Jesus Loves Me” © Words and Music Public Domain, CCLI #4771887 “Once Again” © 1995 Thankyou Music CCLI #1564362 “The Spirit Intercedes For Us” © 1989 Dakota Road Music, OL #62627 “Down to the River to Pray” © 2007 Musicnotes, Inc. CCLI #4746245 “One Thing Remains (Your Love Never Fails)” © 2010 Bethel Music CCLI #5508444  All rights reserved. All songs used with permission. CCLI License #1380826 & OneLicense #A-724016.