December 13, 2020 - Advent Devotion
Join us for worship this morning, in-person, and live streaming, 9:30 a.m.
You can access a mobile version of the bulletin for this Sunday, December 13, here.
Light three candles
To watch for Messiah:
Let the light banish darkness.
Lift your heads
And lift high the gateway,
For the King of glory.
“The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me; he has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the brokenhearted ...”
Telescopes, microscopes, eyeglasses, magnifying glasses, telephoto lenses. These are just a few of the things that help us see things more clearly, easier, without straining, to better focus. The Bible, the Christmas Carols, the life stories and faith stories of others and our own journeys so easily shared this time of year help us make known and see the spirit of the Lord upon us so much more clearly.
This third Week of Advent is devoted to making known all that has been made known to us. As the shepherds witnessed the good news of the greatest joy, we, too, are to keep our eyes and ears open, to keep our heads lifted up as the Light banishes the darkness, to lift high the gateway, for the King of glory.
This will be a sign for us: The spirit of the Lord is upon us; we have been called and anointed and sent to make known, to bring good news of the greatest joy to the oppressed, to the brokenhearted, to all who need a little help seeing more clearly, to better focus, to see without straining, every sign of God's grace!
Let us pray: Lord, today I ask for your spirit to fall upon me again, to enter me again. Allow me first to witness again for myself the blessed signs of your grace, your light banishing my darkness. Then by your Holy Spirit, lift my head, anoint me again, send me out so others see more clearly the good news of the greatest joy in The King of glory. In your name I make known your grace, so easily seen, and I pray. Amen.