December 8, 2020 - Advent Devotion
Angels we have heard on high,
Sweetly singing o'er the plain,
And the mountains in reply,
Echoing their joyous strains.
In excelsis Deo,
In excelsis Deo!
“In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth ...”
As we share the Second Week in Advent, we reflect on the Bethlehem Candle, The Candle of Preparation. In the midst of all God was preparing for the Word to become flesh in Bethlehem, God was preparing the angels to sing on high, to have echoed their joyous strains, including all their fellow angel Gabriel had made known to Mary and Joseph to trust anew.
We have all heard the phrase, "You're preaching to the choir." The season of Advent, our wait and hope for Christ to return, the joy of Christmas, all of Jesus' ministry, the glory of both Good Friday and Easter, our walk of discipleship, our daily comfort and strength and assurance and peace, the entire Christian journey in grace, every blessing The Spirit reveals to trust anew, "this will be a sign for you," is all perhaps better phrased this way for us who are being made ready and sent by God to proclaim: It is time for the choir to preach!
This is normally the time of year school gymnasiums and auditoriums, and concert halls from the smallest of towns to the biggest of cities, this is the time of year when church sanctuaries of all sizes are filled with choirs of angels of all ages, practicing, perfecting, simply getting ready, to be ready, to sing, to preach, to echo, the joyous strains, to share in the sounds of season. Oh, how we miss getting ready for such gatherings, such events, such outings, such moments!
Though much is different, the story, the Christ, Jesus, are still here! It is still time to be ready to sing, to preach, to join the angels, and to be heard on high! Wherever you go, however you sing it or share it or preach it or join in the sounds of the season this year, trust the Spirit is still counting on you, placing you in the story; making you ready for every needed, blessed, moment!
Now is the time, for every angel, every shepherd, to be ready, to trust you are being made ready, to take your place, to sing your part, to join God's heavenly chorus, for every member of God's heaven bound choir to preach, to echo, to trust anew: "Glory To God In The Highest!"
Let us pray: Today I praise you and glorify you for the angels you send to me. Make me ready, prepare me again, for every sign of your grace while I wait for your return, as I trust anew in you. You have preached to me, and now, even when I am hesitant or unsure, by your Spirit, it is your time, you make me ready, I am ready, to sing, to join the choir, to be sent by you to the specific places you have chosen for me, to preach, to sweetly sing, to echo your joyous strains. In Jesus' name, I echo your grace and I pray. Amen.