December 3, 2021 - Advent Devotion
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Click the link below for Sunday, November 28, 2021 Lord of Life LIVE video for our service celebrating the First Sunday in Advent.
I wonder as I wander
Out under the sky
How Jesus the Savior
Did come for to die
For poor ord'n'ry people
Like you and like I
I wonder as I wander
Out under the sky
“Jesus spoke to his followers, saying, “Then they will see ‘the Son of Man coming in a cloud’ with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to take place, stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.””
Have you ever tried to drive in a real dense fog?
I remember driving myself to Grandma's cabin one night. I was in my mid-20's. I had known those roads all my life. I had driven those highways and country roads hundreds of times by myself. The fog came in. It was dark. I was unsure.
I was not lost. I was unsure.
There is an important difference between being unsure and being lost. As we wander along together this Advent, it is easy to wonder at times if we are on the right path. We try to stay close to Christ. Our heart aches to wander along close to the Light, but other things come in and around us, and cloud our way, and the path gets foggy.
Trust this Advent and Christmas, wherever we go out under the sky, The Son of Man comes, even in the clouds, filled with power and glory. God is with us, having every heart prepare Him room, while he breaks into our fog, and we rejoice.
Believe anew today, the gloomy clouds have been dispersed; redemption is drawing near, heaven and nature sing as one, to make our way so very clear!
Let us pray: Gracious God, let now be the time our path is made clear with your Light. When our way is foggy, give us, your poor ordinary people, enough light to see you in our midst. When we wonder as we wander where we are, when we feel unsure, give us courage, strength, hope, awe and faith, that we might know we are not lost, for heaven and nature sing, for God is with us. Amen.