Saturday, February 20, 2021 - Lent Day 4


O Lord, throughout these forty days,
You prayed and kept the fast,
Inspire repentance for our sin,
And free us from our past.

My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning, more than watchmen for the morning.
— Psalm 130:6

"All good things come to those who wait." "Patience is a virtue." We all have things we have to wait for. Being patient is not easy. God is the most patient of all. The Holy Spirit keeps us patient.

The gift of these forty days of Lent is that while we wait to share the Easter celebration, as we do wait for God's perfect Kingdom to be ushered in completely, as we wait for the glory of that final day like watchmen for the morning; the grace of God comes to us and tells us the wait is over. Our soul need not wait any longer. We have been freed from our past. Repentance has been inspired. All good things have already come. By God's gift in The One we wait for, we are saved in grace alone!

Let us pray: Jesus, today I tell you, waiting for you and your triumphant return can make me impatient. While I watch for you, more than watchmen for the morning, my soul indeed waits. While I wait for these forty days to pass to lead me to the victory of the Risen Christ, give me a spirit that will not wait to live anew today in The Christ. In your name I am actively patient, trusting the power of your name, alive and saved anew in grace alone. Amen.

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