Wednesday, February 24, 2021 - Lent Day 7
I love you, Lord,
And I lift my voice;
To worship you,
O my soul rejoice.
Take joy my King,
In what you hear,
Let it be a sweet, sweet,
Sound in your ear.
“O Israel, hope in The Lord! For with The Lord there is steadfast love, and with him is plenteous redemption, for God will redeem Israel from all its iniquities.”
Today let's review some of the simplest principles of logic in deductive reasoning.
If a=b, then b=a. If a=c, then c=a. If a=b and b=c, then a=c.
In God's grace alone, we have showered on us a great many blessings. How do we make sense of them all, deduce them all, summarize them all? How do we recognize these gifts of grace revealed to us, and tell others of our soul rejoicing and the joy we take in the King, the One who gives us plenteous redemption?
King David sang about it all in the Psalms just as we sing. Thanks to God's grace for us in Christ, we sing, we lift our voice, we love you, Lord, we rejoice alone in the power of your steadfast love.
Back to the simple logic lesson: If power is hope, hope is power. If power is forgiveness, forgiveness is power. If power is love, love is power. Indeed, God's love is our forgiveness, hope and power. The steadfast love of God in grace alone makes sense of it all. God's love is all the power, forgiveness, and hope we need to forever sing!
Let us pray: Jesus, today I confess I can get stuck trying to make sense of your grace and your countless blessings. In your grace alone, I rejoice, and I sing, for your grace is beyond logic. Reveal to me again what is so simple and so powerful, in you, Jesus, power and forgiveness and hope are mine. Your grace is my everything; I will forever sing; I love you, Lord. In your name I pray, loving you; forever believing you forever love me. Amen.