Tuesday, March 9, 2021 - Lent Day 18
Thy Word
Is a lamp unto my feet
And a light unto my path.
Thy Word
Is a lamp unto my feet
And a light unto my path.
When I feel afraid,
Think I've lost my way,
Still you're there right beside me.
And nothing will I fear,
As long as you are near.
Please be near me to the end.
“The Jews then said, “This temple has been under construction for forty-six years, and will you raise it up in three days?” But Jesus was speaking of the temple of his body.”
When was the last time you were in a conversation where you felt in over your head? The person talking with you was trying to explain something, and you just did not get it. No matter the words used; the points being spoken made no sense to you.
Maybe you were the one desperately trying to share some news or a critical discovery, and those around you did not understand, did not follow, did not value the news.
Jesus came to Jerusalem, and those in the temple were in over their heads. No matter what words Jesus used, the temple leaders were clueless. Jesus came to Jerusalem, Jesus desperately comes to us, to make clear what is not easy to understand, to make clear a critical discovery, to make clear what can feel like it goes over our heads: In God's grace alone, Jesus came to die and to rise again, to be a lamp unto our feet, so we never lose our way, so nothing will we fear, to be beside us and near us to the end!
Let us pray: Jesus, today I confess, like the temple leaders I sometimes do not understand your Word or the gift of faith. When your death and resurrection feel over my head, restore me and assure me in the truth of your grace alone. By your Holy Spirit, shower me with your light, let your Word be made clear, and light my path. In your name, I trust and I pray. Amen.