Saturday, March 20, 2021 - Lent Day 28
Tomorrow - The Fifth Sunday in Lent
Worship Tomorrow, 9:30 a.m. – “Glorified In Grace Alone!”
Join us tomorrow morning in person or via our live stream efforts!
Spirit of the living God,
Fall afresh on me.
Spirit of the living God,
Fall afresh on me.
Melt me. Mold me.
Fill me. Use me.
Spirit of the living God,
Fall afresh on me.
“Jesus said, “Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.””
Forgiveness is very personal. Forgiveness often means something different to different people, in different situations.
One of the questions I try to ask every couple I work with in preparation for getting married is, "Do you have ways of forgiving each other?" Often the response is mixed, one person will say, "yes," and the other person will say, "no." If your idea of saying you are sorry is giving flowers and candy, and you think once you bring the flowers and candy home you are forgiven, you may be in for a bit of a surprise. Likewise, if the flowers and candy are part of the ritual, just because you put the flowers in water and snack on a little of candy does not mean you have to move to forgiveness until you are ready.
My point is this - if one person does not know the other person is truly sorry, how can they accept the apology and start the journey to forgiveness? And just as important, just because someone says they are sorry does not mean forgiveness must immediately follow. Sometimes forgiveness can only be real and complete after thorough reflection and proper grief.
Another critical point about forgiveness is this: Just because our society, just because much of our upbringing, teaches us to forgive and to forget; How do humans do this? Humans can forgive, and start clean. Humans can forgive, and go forward from a new starting point. Is anyone able to completely forget? Personally, that those who love me, know I have hurt them and cannot forget, and yet they still forgive me and go forward with me is lifesaving. Grace such as this, is, The Spirit of the living God!
As we continue our Lenten journey, let us believe and trust we are forgiven in the grace of Jesus Christ. God in the crucified and risen Christ makes clear, Jesus came to save not to condemn. How do we know God forgives us - believing Christ comes to us, believing Christ goes to the cross, is grace alone. When we are truly sorry and confess to the Lord all our sins, every last one, we are graced to see just how completely personal the cross is; God's personal gift of forgiveness is given to each of us, in grace alone!
Let us pray: Lord today I tell you I wish I could forget all that I have ever done to hurt you or those you love and those who I love. Through your faithfulness, let the Spirit of my living God fall afresh on me, and I will believe and go forward in the saving, renewing grace, of Christ alone. In the name of Jesus, I am renewed and I pray. Amen.