Friday, April 15, 2022 - Lent Day 39 - Good Friday Devotion
TONIGHT - Good Friday: “Saving Hearts!” - Worship, Friday, April 15, 7 p.m. – Join us in-person and on Facebook
Readings, Prayers, Songs, and "Jesus' Seven Last Words"
Saturday, April 16, 11 a.m. - Community Easter Egg Hunt
This is a free event, all are welcome, invite your family and friends!
Though this event is free; donations are being received for “Believet”
Believet is an organization providing service dogs for veterans with disabilities.
Want to help? Join us at 10 a.m. to execute the final details! Thank you!
Easter Sunday, The Resurrection Of Our Lord: “Easter Hearts, Alive And Anew!” Festive Worship, Sunday, April 17, 9:30 a.m.
Join us in-person and on Facebook
Festive Music, Children's Message, Holy Communion, and More!
Go to dark Gethsemane,
All who feel the tempter's pow'r;
Your Redeemer's conflict see.
Watch with him one bitter hour;
Turn not from his griefs away;
Learn from Jesus Christ to pray.
Calv'ry's mournful mountain climb;
There adoring at his feet,
Mark the miracle of time,
God's own sacrifice complete.
"It is finished!" hear him cry;
Learn from Jesus Christ to die.
“When Jesus had received the wine, he said, “It is finished.” Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.”
How do you feel when you are in the middle of something important, something you believe in, something that is physically draining, something that is more stressful than you anticipated or desired, something you are not sure you can finish? This is not an easy place to be.
Few emotions are as satisfying as accomplishment, as getting something done, as closing the deal, as finally being finished.
Jesus on the cross proclaims many of these same emotions. He is physically drained. He has been fulfilling something he and The Father believe in. This part of God's 'something,' this part of salvation's plan, this part of grace is finished as promised in Jesus giving up his spirit.
As our Lenten journey comes quickly to a close, we soon end our emphasis, 'Trusting The One Who Keeps His Heart On Us!' At the close of each service, we share in a Benediction, in a blessing, sending us on our way. We end our worship, trusting there is something more for us to go and do; that we are blessed by grace as The Spirit goes with us. Leaving the cross today, we trust anew The One keeping his loving and saving heart on us, has more grace still to give us, blessing us with hope and strength.
Even though we like finishing those callings, demands, challenges, hurdles, obstacles, tasks, experiences, uncertainties before us - most often, getting finished with one thing simply means we move on to start the next.
It is finished - yes, this part of God's plan is finished. It is also beginning, yes, the next part of God's plan is about to begin. Trust all the crucified Christ has finished in you this Lenten season! Believe, look to, anticipate, keep your heart on, all the risen Christ alone is ready to begin and spring forth in you in Easter, in your life that awaits today and tomorrow, and in your life that is still to come!
Let us pray: Jesus, I have much that is unfinished in my life. I am easily overwhelmed by all that still needs completion in my faith journey, in my walk with you. Keep your loving and saving heart on me, and I will learn from Jesus alone, to pray, to die, to finish, to begin, and to live anew. Send your Spirit, strengthen my heart; I feel so drained. Give me faith to trust all you finish in the mystery of this day. Finish all that needs finishing in me today. In your name I pray, trusting all you and your death and your resurrection and your grace and your living presence have still to begin in me. Amen.