Sunday, April 17, 2022 - Easter Sunday Devotion
TODAY - Easter Sunday, The Resurrection Of Our Lord: “Easter Hearts, Alive And Anew!” Festive Worship, Sunday, April 17, 9:30 a.m.
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A most holy and blessed Easter morning to each of you who believe and proclaim, Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia! Today's devotion follows just below.
I pray your Easter, your day, and your life today and every day are blessed and surrounded with the hope and grace alive and anew in The Risen Christ!
Today's devotion brings to an end our daily devotions shared throughout our Lenten journey. Thanks be to God for The Spirit in God's grace alone that lives and rises each day in each of us, to return to the Lord our God with all our heart! Indeed, in the Risen Christ, God's grace keeps breaking into our lives, proclaiming and building us up in faith to believe and to be alive and anew in The Risen Christ alone!
While the daily devotions come to an end today, keep watching your email for updates and reminders concerning the mission and ministry we share as God's people at Lord of Life!
May God bless each of you and your loved ones these Great Fifty Days of Easter as the grace of God raises you up, to live anew in grace alone, for Christ is risen, Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia!
Jesus Christ is ris'n today Alleluia
Our triumphant holy day Alleluia
Who did once upon the cross Alleluia
Suffer to redeem our loss Alleluia
Hymns of praise then let us sing Alleluia
Unto Christ our Heav'nly king Alleluia
Who endured the cross and grave Alleluia
Sinners to redeem and save Alleluia
But the pains which he endured Alleluia
Our salvation have procured Alleluia
Now above the sky he's king Alleluia
Where the angels ever sing Alleluia
““Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. Look, there is the place they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going ahead of you in Galilee; there you will see him, just as he told you.””
“Then the other disciple, who reached the tomb first, also went in, and he saw and believed; for as yet they did not understand the scripture, that he must rise from the dead. ”
Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia!
As we celebrate today The Resurrection of Our Lord, our theme moves from 'trusting The One who keeps his heart on us,' to 'celebrating and trusting we are Easter hearts, alive and anew, springing forth with new life, in the grace of The Risen Christ!'
"Happy Easter" has been a greeting shared by believers for centuries. Long ago, pagans celebrated the return of springtime through a variety of festivals, honoring "Eastre," often referred to as the goddess of springtime. Christians made it known, new life anywhere and everywhere, was in The Risen Christ alone! "Easter" became the believers' way of proclaiming and witnessing and surrendering to the absolute truth and blessed news of The Resurrection of Our Lord, springing forth new life in one and all, for we live and are alive and anew in God's saving grace in Jesus Christ!
Celebrate and trust, today, perhaps like you have never before risen to do so, for you are an Easter Heart, alive and anew, springing forth, in The Risen Christ!
You are an Easter Heart, alive and anew, as The Risen Christ gives you faith, to see and to believe!
You are an Easter Heart, alive and anew, as The Risen Christ makes known he must rise from the dead!
You are an Easter Heart, alive and anew, as The Risen Christ gives you hope, even while it is still dark!
You are an Easter Heart, alive and anew, as The Risen Christ surrounds you and comforts you!
You are an Easter Heart, alive and anew, as The Risen Christ personally calls your name, and greets you!
You are an Easter Heart, alive and anew, as The Risen Christ tells you to go and tell, "I have seen The Lord!"
Friends, if the glory of Easter is somehow limited to remembering only an event, only a moment in time, that Jesus Christ one day long ago was raised from the dead, then the hope provided in the empty tomb, is also empty. The truth of this event, the truth of Easter is, our hope is not empty, our hope is real, we are alive and anew, springing forth with new life!
If the glory and hope and grace of Easter do not give us life today, do not raise us up to live in a new way today, then the tomb is not all that is really empty. The truth of Easter, is we are alive and anew; thanks to The Risen Christ, new life is springing forth, today, in one and all!
Let us live, be raised up to live anew! Let us be awed by, though never surprised by, the grace and power of these two truths: 1) The tomb is all that is empty; 2) That empty tomb, is the only place The Risen Christ is not present! Jesus is alive and present to fill us, really fill us, to give us Easter hearts, to be alive and anew, springing forth, raising us up to live anew in The Risen Christ!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia!
Let us pray: Risen Christ, as you are raised to new life in the glory of Easter, raise me up every day to live anew in your grace. Make me an Easter Heart! Raise me up and I will live in your forgiveness, your hope, your truth, your peace, your power, your faithfulness, and your grace in The Risen Christ. In the glory of Easter, I am raised up anew today, and I live each day on into eternity, trusting and telling others, the tomb is all that is empty; Jesus fills us with life, here and now, each day, for we have seen The Lord! Trusting God's grace is forever springing forth new life in me, in the Risen Christ, I pray. Amen.