Lent Day 23 – Lenten Devotion – Monday, March 11, 2024
I Love to Tell the Story
I love to tell the story
Of unseen things above
Of Jesus and his glory
Of Jesus and his love
I love to tell the story
Because I know it is true
It satisfies my longings
As nothing else would do
I love to tell the story
I'll sing this theme in glory
And tell the old old story
Of Jesus and his love
“Those who believe in him are not condemned, but those who do not believe are condemned already, because they have not believed in the name of the only Son of God.”
What is your favorite story? That story that catches your ear every time you hear it. The story you cannot put down once you pick it up. The story you first heard as a child, and you still think about, to brighten your day. The story that stops the TV remote.
We like to watch and read and hear the good stories over and over. Hearing the same story over and over gives us a good feeling, inspires us again, helps us catch the little things we missed before.
Lent is about hearing the best story again, about telling the old, old story, about the story that satisfies our longings because we know it is true, the story of God's grace alone, the story we believe, the story which does not condemn us, the story of unseen things above, the story of the Son of God.
Let us pray: Jesus, today I confess I sometimes think I know your story so well, that I do not turn to, I do not read, I do not long for Your Word. What a story! The story of Jesus and his love. The story as nothing else would do. The story I know is so true! By your Spirit, I believe anew in the Son of God, and I am never to be condemned. Give me a new spirit, to hear the story again, to read it first-hand again, to read your story so closely I catch things I missed before, to read the Story I love to tell. Believing anew in the story of your grace alone, I pray. Amen.