Lent Day 36 – Lenten Devotion – Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Were You There?
Were you there
When they crucified my Lord
Were you there
When they crucified my Lord
Sometimes it causes me to tremble
Were you there
When they crucified my Lord
“While he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent word to him,
”Have nothing to do with that innocent man, for today I have suffered a great deal because of a dream about him.” Now the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowds to ask for Barabbas and to have Jesus killed.”
Who do you listen to when you have a tough decision to make? Whose voice do you turn to?
Pilate was politically one of the strongest men of the region. Instead of listening to his own conscience, instead of laying down the law as he knew it and interpreted it, instead of standing his ground; he allowed himself to be torn between his wife and the crowd. He let the pressure of the crowd and others dictate the situation.
The crowd had welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem days earlier. They shouted, "Hosanna," as they hailed him as the Son of David. They knew who he was. They were ready to stand firm. By themselves, and corporately, they were the loudest voice. One by one, they gave in to the chief priests and the elders. One by one, they left what they knew, and they were not there when they crucified their Lord; instead they followed the jealous and insecure lead of the chief priests, and they called out for Barabbas to be released and for Jesus to be crucified.
Who do you listen to? Are you able to stand firm on your own? Or does the crowd get louder and louder for you, when things are not easy?
Are you able to be there for the crucified Lord this week? What other plans and voices are calling out to you? Did you start the week, thinking, "Yes, I will be there," only to have the crowd calling to you as the week goes forward?
In God's grace alone, trust the Lord is there for you this week! Trust the Lord is the loudest voice calling out to you in the midst of the crowd as you live your daily life! Trust in the Lord you have what it takes to stand firm, to be faithful, even when you feel like the only one! Trust you have all you need, you have the power of the Holy Spirit there for you! Trust thanks to God's grace, you still have time to say, "no," to the crowd, and "yes," to God's grace in Jesus Christ!
Let us pray: Jesus, today I tell you I am sorry I am not always there for you. I tell you even as I walk this Holy Week journey, I easily hear the crowd and the other influences in my life and in society calling out to me. By your Holy Spirit, give me the strength I am praying for, the strength and the courage and the faith to listen to You, and your grace alone. In your name I surrender to you, and not to the crowd; I am there for you, as I pray. Amen.