The Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost - Online Worship - October 6, 2024


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Sunday Worship - The Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost
”First Things First, In His Glory & Grace”
October 13, 2024, 9:30AM
Faith Quest Sunday School meets next Sunday!

It is never too late to register for Faith Quest!


All are welcome, encouraged to visit the Prayer Cross as moved to do so.


Gathering In Joy & Grace

Gather Us In


vs. 1
Here in this place
New light is streaming
Now is the darkness
Vanished away
See in this space
Our fears and our dreamings
Brought here to you
In the light of this day
Gather us in
The lost and forsaken
Gather us in
The blind and the lame
Call to us now
And we shall awaken
We shall arise
At the sound of our name

vs. 2
We are the young
Our lives are a myst’ry
We are the old
Who yearn for your face
We have been sung
Throughout all of hist’ry
Called to be light
To the whole human race
Gather us in
The rich and the haughty
Gather us in
The proud and the strong
Give us a heart
So meek and so lowly
Give us the courage
To enter the song

vs. 3
Here we will take
The wine and the water
Here we will take
The bread of new birth
Here you shall call
Your sons and your daughters
Call us anew
To be salt for the earth
Give us to drink
The wine of compassion
Give us to eat
The bread that is you
Nourish us well
And teach us to fashion
Lives that are holy
And hearts that are true


Litany Seeing & Believing God’s Glory & Grace


Today, we celebrate and trust anew, God gathers us in, here in this place; we are blessed to see and to believe we are anew in God’s glory and grace; so we worship, in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit.

Amen. I will bless the name of my God and King forever and ever. Every day and in every way, will I bless you and praise your name. You are the owner of the vineyard, Almighty God.

People of God: The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love. Let us take a moment of silence to confess our sins and those times we have failed to love the Lord with all our heart, to see and to believe God’s glory and grace.

(silence for reflection)

Friends in Christ: As God’s beloved, once again, we receive God’s glory and grace in these words: Jesus saves, and Jesus forgives you all your sins. See and believe God’s every blessing like never before. His compassion has made you new. Be blessed in new ways, and share, a closer walk with thee!

Song Anew in Faith & Grace

Just a Closer Walk With Thee

Traditional Gospel

vs. 1
I am weak but thou art strong
Jesus keep me from all wrong
I’ll be satisfied as long
As I walk let me walk close to thee

Just a closer walk with thee
Grant it Jesus is my plea
Daily walking close to thee
Let it be dear Lord let it be

I will answer the Lord’s call, and proclaim his awesome deeds. The Lord’s greatness is declared wherever I go. The Spirit blesses me to be a blessing, in glory and grace and righteousness.

Friends in Christ: One generation shall pass on the Lord’s majesty and love to another. Trust you are loved first, blessed first, graced first. See, believe, and live anew in God’s glory and grace. Come anew, forever share, a closer walk with thee!

Song Anew in Faith & Grace

Just a Closer Walk With Thee

Traditional Gospel

vs. 2
Through this world of toil and snares
If I falter Lord who cares
Who with me my burden shares
None but thee dear Lord none but thee

Just a closer walk with thee
Grant it Jesus is my plea
Daily walking close to thee
Let it be dear Lord let it be


Almighty and loving God, you alone faithfully take us as your children into your arms, you lay your hands on us, and you bless us in countless ways. Open our hearts and our spirits to experience and to feel, to see and to believe anew your glory and grace, trusting all good gifts are sent from heaven above, placed into our care. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


Faith Quest Sunday School will follow the Blessing of the Backpacks!


The New Testament

HEBREWS 1:1–4; 2:5–12

Long ago God spoke to our ancestors in many and various ways by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by the Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, through whom he also created the worlds. He is the reflection of God’s glory and the exact imprint of God’s very being, and he sustains all things by his powerful word. When he had made purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs. ... Now God did not subject the coming world, about which we are speaking, to angels. But someone has testified somewhere, “What are human beings that you are mindful of them, or mortals, that you care for them? You have made them for a little while lower than the angels; you have crowned them with glory and honor, subjecting all things under their feet.” Now in subjecting all things to them, God left nothing outside their control. As it is, we do not yet see everything in subjection to them, but we do see Jesus, who for a little while was made lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone. It was fitting that God, for whom and through whom all things exist, in bringing many children to glory, should make the pioneer of their salvation perfect through sufferings. For the one who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one Father. For this reason Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters, saying, “I will proclaim your name to my brothers and sisters, in the midst of the congregation I praise you.”

(New Revised Standard Version)


Song Anew in Life & Grace

He Knows My Name


vs. 1
I have a Maker
He formed my heart
Before even time began
My life was in His hand

He Knows my name
He knows my every thought
He sees each tear that falls
And hears me when I call

vs. 2
I have a Father
He calls me His own
He’ll never leave me
No matter where I go

(refrain twice)

And hears me when I call



MARK 10:13–16

People were bringing little children to him in order that he might touch them; and the disciples spoke sternly to them. But when Jesus saw this, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.” And he took them up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them.  

(New Revised Standard Version)


Stating Our Faith in God


As God’s children, we trust God the good steward and God’s grace first love us and then fill us with countless blessings. In thanks to God’s faithfulness, we believe and we see anew God’s glory and grace, and so, we, now boldly proclaim our faith.

God who sits upon the throne says, “Behold, I make all things new. Write these words for they are trustworthy and true. It is done! I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the fountain the water of life without payment. They who conquer shall have their heritage, and I will be their God, and they will be my children.” Amen.


Song of Life & Grace Anew

I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry


I was there to hear your borning cry
I’ll be there when you are old
I rejoiced the day you were baptized
To see your life unfold

The Sacrament Of Holy Baptism For Morgan Brady Wratz

Stating Our Faith In God    “The Apostles’ Creed”

Do you believe in God The Father?
I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.

Do you believe in Jesus Christ, The Son of God?
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

Do you believe in God The Holy Spirit?
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. Amen.

Welcoming The Newly Baptized

Through Holy Baptism, God has made Morgan Brady a new sister member of the priesthood we all share in Christ Jesus, that we may proclaim the praise of God and bear his creative and redeeming word to all the world.

We welcome you into the Lord’s family. We receive you as a fellow member of the body of Christ, a child of the same heavenly Father, and a worker with us in the kingdom of God. Amen.

Song of Life & Grace Anew

I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry


I was there to hear your borning cry
I’ll be there when you are old
I rejoiced the day you were baptized
To see your life unfold


In His Arms, In His Glory & Grace

GENESIS 2:18-24; HEBREWS 1:1-4; 2:5-12; MARK 10:13-16

What things do you carry in your arms?  To cradle something in your arms is far different than simply carrying it in your hands.  Things of value get carried with two hands.  Things that are priceless may be taken into our arms, cradled with great care.  Today in Mark’s Gospel, we hear Jesus taking children up into his arms, blessing them, telling his disciples to welcome children in his name.  As we begin our annual giving emphasis at Lord of Life, we celebrate God has been cradling us in his arms from the very beginning.  We hear God telling us to serve and to welcome others in his name.  As God takes us into his arms and lays his hands on us, let us trust we will believe and we will see like never before, God’s glory and grace in our midst!  As God takes us into his arms and blesses us, let us trust we are precious and priceless to the Lord who will hold onto us and never let us go!

1. The Lord has been taking his children in his arms, holding them close in his glory and grace for a long time, and he is not about to stop.
Hebrews 2:10; Mark 10:16 

2. The Lord has been laying his hands on his children in our midst, leading us to see his glory and grace, guiding us, strengthening us, empowering us, equipping us, calling us since the beginning of time, the beginning of our lives, the beginning of our ministry and he is not about to stop.
Mark 10:16

3. God's children are still looking for a place to come where they will be welcomed, touched and blessed, and not turned away; where they, too, will see and feel His glory and grace, and he is not about to stop!
Hebrews 2:7-9; Mark 10:13,14-15

A. The circle is growing and we are blessed by all who come and witness; making God and our neighbors first, trusting God first, loving God first!

B. We are blessed to bless and to touch and to welcome others who are still looking, to see what we see, to believe what we believe: God’s glory and grace!

i. Many are looking for a place, a safe place, a place to belong, to grow in spirit, thanks to The Spirit! 

ii. Many have shared their faith, that others may know Lord of Life is a place that explores and acknowledges and builds on our net worth of hospitality, welcome, authenticity, creating community for one and all!

4. As we believe anew, we will see anew we are God’s children!  We will see the glory and grace of God bless us to bless others, to point others to our trust and faith in the One who holds us in his arms, who holds us in glory and grace, and he is not about to stop!
Hebrews 1:2-3; 2:11; Psalm 8; Mark 10:16; John 11:40

A. We are being spoken to and sanctified by the Son, our Savior, to be blessed to see and to believe even more.

B. We are called to see and to believe God’s glory and grace.  

C. The Spirit will allow us to balance the gifts of the majestic Creator with our call to celebrate and to share God’s glory and grace placed into our care.

D. We will not be alone! Jesus, who welcomes us first to welcome others, will be forever holding us in his arms, blessing us all the way, and He will never let us go!


Offering is available for our indoor services. Find a Lord of Life with a volunteer bucket to deposit offering in person as you leave worship today. If you find yourself wanting to offer your gifts to Lord of Life, you can do so online using the link below. You can also drop offering at anytime in our secure mailbox at Lord of Life located in the parking lot.


Song of Glory & Grace

What a Friend We Have in Jesus

Scriven & Converse

vs. 1
What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and griefs to bear
What a privilege to carry
Ev’rything to God in prayer
Oh what peace we often forfeit
Oh what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
Ev’rything to God in prayer

vs. 2
Have we trials and temptations
Is there trouble anywhere
We should never be discouraged
Take it to the Lord in prayer
Can we find a friend so faithful
Who will all our sorrows share
Jesus knows our ev’ry weakness
Take it to the Lord in prayer

vs. 3
Are we weak and heavy-laden
Cumbered with a load of care
Precious Savior still our refuge
Take it to the Lord in prayer
Do your friends despise forsake you
Take it to the Lord in prayer
In his arms he’ll take and shield you
You will find a solace there we pray to you, Jesus, ...
Bless us, to believe and see anew, your glory and your grace.

All these things and whatever else you see we need, grant to us we pray, for into your hands, O Lord, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your mercy through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.


Holy Communion will take place during our service. If you are not worshipping with us in person but would like to receive Communion, we will be offering Drive Through Communion at our building at 16200 Dodd Lane, Lakeville, Minnesota, following our indoor service. Drive Through Communion will be available between 10:15am & 10:30am.

For those worshiping with us in person, we receive communion through intinction; that is, you will receive the bread, the host, then dip into the glass of choice, either a red wine in the chalice closest to the host, or in a light colored non-alcoholic grape juice. All are welcome.

We also offer gluten free and pre-packaged options. Please take these options before arriving at the host to receive a blessing.


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us;
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,
Forever and ever. Amen.


Song During Holy Communion

Down to the River to Pray

Allan & Krauss

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who should wear the starry crown
Good Lord show me the way
O sisters let’s go down
Let’s go down come on down
O sisters let’s go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who should wear the robe & crown
Good Lord show me the way
O brothers let’s go down
Let’s go down come on down
O brothers let’s go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who should wear the starry crown
Good Lord show me the way
O fathers let’s go down
Let’s go down come on down
O fathers let’s go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who should wear the robe & crown
Good Lord show me the way
O mothers let’s go down
Let’s go down come on down
O mothers let’s go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who should wear the starry crown
Good Lord show me the way
O sinners let’s go down
Let’s go down come on down
O sinners let’s go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who should wear the robe & crown
Good Lord show me the way


The body and blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, strengthen you and keep you in his grace, this day, and on into life everlasting.

Let us pray.
Pour out upon us the spirit of your love, O Lord, and unite the wills of those whom you have fed with one heavenly food; through Jesus Christ, The Lord of life. Amen.

The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look upon you with favor and give you peace, as you believe and see, God’s glory and grace. In the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us go in the peace of Christ, celebrating the love of God, and serving the Lord of life.
Thanks be to God!


Going Anew in Glory & Grace

The Name of The Lord (Blessed Be)


Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Most High
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Most High

Glory to the name of the Lord
Glory to the name of the Lord
Glory to the name of the Lord
Most High
Glory to the name of the Lord
Glory to the name of the Lord
Glory to the name of the Lord
Most High

The name of The Lord is
A strong tower
The righteous run into it
And they are saved
The name of The Lord is
A strong tower
The righteous run into it
And they are saved

Holy is the name of the Lord
Holy is the name of the Lord
Holy is the name of the Lord
Most High
Holy is the name of the Lord
Holy is the name of the Lord
Holy is the name of the Lord
Most High


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Follow us on facebook to watch our services live on Lord of Life LIVE now on YouTube! Watch with us live at 9:30am on Sundays, or rewatch at your own convenience!


Today, Sunday, October 6th, we celebrate The Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost! “In His Arms, In His Glory And Grace!” Today our Faith Quest Sunday School ministry meets! Today, 7th grade Confirmation Class meets at 11 a.m.

Through The Sacrament Of Holy Baptism, today we welcome Morgan Brady Wratz into the Christian family. Morgan is the daughter of Chris, and the sister of Makenzie. We pray God’s blessings on Morgan every day as she walks in the light and promise of Jesus Christ! Morgan’s sponsors and Godparents are Makenzie Wratz, Maddie Blinkman, and Chris Todd.

Join us next Sunday, October 13th, as we celebrate The Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost! “First Things First, In His Glory And Grace!” Next Sunday, our Faith Quest Sunday School ministry meets!

As we share our worship, we give thanks for every volunteer as you bless our ministry, greeting, ushering, nursery, serving communion, live streaming, AV ministry, set up, clean up, fellowship, worship leaders, and more! You can access details and ways to sign up on our website and Facebook page! Thank you!

Friends, today as always, all who proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, are welcome to God’s table of grace as we share Holy Communion. For those sharing their generosity today, we thank you for your faithful giving! Offering is collected in baskets by the ushers as you exit the sanctuary.

We hope our worship will touch you, comfort you, reassure you, and grace you in some way! If you believe others you know would be blessed to receive this bulletin, the sermon notes, or our live stream links, please forward these to them.

From everyone on every level of leadership and service, we continue to pray for you and to give thanks to God for each of you! Please contact Pastor Jamie if he can serve you in any way:

We pray The Holy Spirit breathes anew on us to be God’s people and to be God’s Church, as together we make known and we trust anew God’s gifts of hope, peace, justice, clarity, calm, and comfort forever break forth in new ways for you and your loved ones, today, and as we share every gift of God’s light, love and grace!


Acknowledgments for today’s service include:

Litany Seeing & Believing God’s Glory And Grace  – written based on Psalm 145. “Gather Us In, Here In This Place,” “Just A Closer Walk With Thee,” “I Was There To Hear Your Borning Cry,” “What A Friend We Have In Jesus,” © 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW) and With One Voice Hymnal Supplement © 1995 Augsburg Publishing House, Minneapolis & Board of Publication, Lutheran Church In America, Philadelphia; and Evangelical Lutheran Worship © 2006 by Augsburg Fortress, Minneapolis, MN. Used with permission. “Prayer of The Day,” “Lord’s Prayer,” “Post-Communion Blessing, Prayer, & Benediction,” based on the LBW. “Just A Closer Walk With Thee” © Words and Music Public Domain, OL #95172 “Jesus Loves Me” © Words and Music Public Domain, CCLI #4771887 “He Knows My Name” © 1996 Doulos Publishing, CCLI #2151368 “What A Friend We Have In Jesus” © Words and Music Public Domain, OL #94919 “Down to the River to Pray” © 2007 Musicnotes, Inc. CCLI #4746245 “The Name of The Lord (Blessed Be)” © 1989 & this arr. © 1997 Polygram International Publishing, Inc. CCLI #265239 All rights reserved. All songs used with permission. CCLI License #1380826 & OneLicense #A-724016.