December 1, 2021 - Advent Devotion
This Week:
Tonight, Wednesday, December 1:
4:30pm - 5:30pm — Christmas Decorating
5:30pm - 7:30pm — Life Nite
6:00-pm - 7:00pm — Drive-through donation event!
Recent Service:
Click the link below for Sunday, November 28, 2021 Lord of Life LIVE video for our service celebrating the First Sunday in Advent.
Light one candle to watch for Messiah
Let the light banish darkness.
He shall bring salvation to Israel
God fulfills the promise
“Jesus spoke to his followers, saying, “There will be signs in the sun, the moon,
and the stars, and on the earth distress among nations confused by the roaring of the sea and the waves.””
How do you like the dark?
This season of Advent comes to us at the darkest time of the year.
The days are still getting shorter and shorter. By the time Christmas comes, however, the shortest day has come and gone, and the days then begin getting longer. Okay, maybe just a little, but they will begin getting longer.
When Jesus walked the earth, he announced he was The Light of the world.
The world outside the window is pretty dark these days. The world is often dark, and our hearts at times, even feel like dark places.
Jesus tells his followers, "You will know I am coming by the signs in the lights, in the sun, moon and stars." Heaven and nature sing as his Light shines in our darkness and fills us with joy to the world, giving us hope.
As we make our way through the darkness during Advent and while we wait and watch for Messiah, let us trust The Light banishes darkness, God fulfills the promise, the darkness cannot overcome this Light, and we are never alone in the dark.
Let us pray: Dearest Jesus, our world needs your Light, our hearts and our lives need every sign possible of you and your Light. While we wait and make our way in the dark, point us and direct us to see your Light banishes the darkness. May we trust and celebrate heaven and nature sing, as God fulfills every promise in the grace of His Light, a Light no darkness can ever overcome. In Jesus' name I pray, trusting your grace and light in my midst. Amen.