November 30, 2022 - Advent Devotion
Carol of The Bells
Hark to the bells
Hark to the bells
Telling us all
Jesus is King
“He shall judge between the nations, and shall arbitrate for many peoples; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”
Loud noises cause us to turn our heads. Stories of violence and tragedy cause our ears to take notice. Have you ever noticed though how our heads and hearts are drawn even more so to the good stories. People helping people, people reaching out, people making a difference; thanks be to God these stories ring out around us.
As God's people who long for comfort and joy, who pray for peace on earth and good will to all, we are reminded Who will return one day to forever beat the swords and spears into plowshares and pruning hooks; a time when there will be war no more.
During Advent this year, keep awake, and see how God will use you to be a vessel of peace. Look for God to use you to turn the heads of others. When others get caught up in the demands of the season, count on God to keep his promise, to use you to announce, "Hark," everyone take notice and listen, "Jesus is King, the King of peace!"
Let us pray: God of peace, today I tell you I am sorry I can get lost in the noise of the world. For the times I have not shared the comfort and joy of your peace in the world, I am sorry. Renew me as a vessel of your peace in the world. Use me to help others take notice, Jesus is King, the King of Peace. In your name I pray trusting in your peace now, and in the peace of your promised return. Amen.