December 1, 2022 - Advent Devotion
I Wonder As I Wander
I wonder as I wander
Out under the sky
How Jesus the Savior
Did come for to die
For poor ordinary people
Like you and like I
I wonder as I wander
Out under the sky
“... Let us live honorably as in the day, not in reveling and drunkenness, not in debauchery and licentiousness, not in quarreling and jealousy. Instead put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.”
Has this ever happened to you? Even at this time of year; you head out to make a few stops, pick up a few things. Another place catches your eye; an item not on your list, calls your name; now you start wondering, this or that, and before you know it, you are wandering about.
At times, often even at this time of year, we go out and about, thinking we are headed in the right direction, thinking we are on the right path, thinking we know what we are looking for; and suddenly we are left wandering about, lost and uncertain.
Do you know real peace? Do you know the feeling of peace when you are not lost in selfish desires, when you are no longer wondering as you are wandering?
Do you know the resounding peace of God, echoing comfort and joy in the midst of the flesh, inviting us to put on Christ, to trust "Jesus the Savior did come for to die"? May God this Advent and Christmas satisfy your every desire!
Let us pray: My God and my desire, though I want to live in Christ, and though I often think this is the easiest time of year to live in Christ, today I tell you this time of year is often the toughest to live in Christ. My head and heart wander through empty desires. Increase my faith. Fill my soul. Be my desire. Be my peace. Help me put on Christ. May I forever wonder as I wander, at the comfort and joy God gives me in grace. Amen.