December 23, 2022 - Advent Devotion
Join Us For A Most Blessed Christmas Weekend
Festive Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship including:
Carols, Children’s Message, Communion, Candlelight and “One Solitary Life”
Saturday, December 24, 2022, 4:00pm
Join us for Lord of Life LIVE on YouTube!
Faith Quest does not meet during worship
Festive Christmas Day Worship including:
Carols, Children’s Message, “Happy Birthday, Dear Jesus,” Communion and Christmas Fellowship!
Sunday, December 25, 2022, 9:30am
Join us for Lord of Life LIVE on YouTube!
Faith Quest does not meet during worship
Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful
Oh come all ye faithful
Joyful and triumphant
Oh come ye Oh come ye
To Bethlehem
Come and behold him
Born the King of angels
Oh come let us adore him
Oh come let us adore him
Oh come let us adore him
Christ the Lord
“My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name.” ”
Do you know any people who run races? Whether you are talking the 100 yard dash, the 800 meters, or the marathon; whether you are talking sibling against sibling in the backyard, elementary or secondary school cross-country or track, or even the Olympics; three simple points about running a good race include how you start, how you pace yourself, and how you finish. How you finish is huge! Do you have enough left? Are you still focused, do you have a good kick at the end to finish strong when so many others are just barely hanging on?
How are you doing with your spiritual race this Advent and Christmas? Have you been pacing yourself? Did you get off to a good start? Are you afraid you are too far behind to bother?
There is only one day to go. Do you feel you are too far back? Trust The One who adores you has enough comfort and joy to sustain you and give you all you need to stay focused through this last day before Christmas Eve, and he will help you finish strong a race that is from eternity for eternity as we wait for Christ's return.
"Oh, come, let us adore Him," The One who adores us, The One who is calling each of us to magnify the Lord in these days! "Oh, come, all ye faithful, oh, come let us adore him." The Mighty One has an incredible finish that we will each see, experience, participate in, and receive one day. The Lord is the strongest One running the race. For now, let us trust the Mighty One will keep doing great things for us. We are never too far back for The One we adore to keep us faithful, to bless us, to finish strong our focus and celebration of Christ's birth, to give us comfort and joy. God still has time.
There is still time you see, as we briefly touch on our final bonus Christmas children's classic. The Grinch, tried as best he could to steal Christmas, but he could not. If you think anyone or anything can steal Christmas from you this year, simply ask God for an extra measure of faith, and do not believe it can be taken from you! God in grace wins! God in Christ wins! We, in the grace of Christ win! God finishes strong whatever God sets out to do. The One we adore and all He graces us with, comfort and joy, will never be taken from us!
Let us pray: Lord, today I tell you I sometimes start fast, and then I lose my way, or I lose my desire, or I lose my strength. Sometimes I never finish, I think I am too far back. Keep me strong. Make me stronger, to run the rest of this race in the Spirit, not just this Christmas, but for all eternity, as one of your disciples. How I long to magnify your name! How I long to come with all the faithful to adore you! When I get discouraged, wondering if my faith will last, give me your comfort and joy, run beside me. I thank you and praise you, that by your grace, you will finish all that you have begun in me. In your name I pray, finishing strong, coming with all the faithful to adore you. Amen.