Thursday, March 17, 2022 - Lent Day 14
Lenten Midweek Worship
Watch our pre-recorded Lenten Midweek service here.
Our mid-week Lenten services will take place on facebook. Videos will be posted on our Facebook page. You can find them on our timeline and under, “videos.”
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Find the bulletin for this week’s Lenten Midweek Service here.
Sunday Worship - The Third Sunday in Lent - March 20, 2022
This Sunday is available for in-person worship. Due to volunteer schedules, we will not be available to Live Stream our service this coming Sunday. If you are interested in volunteering to bring Lord of Life LIVE to our congregation, please send us a message here or talk to Pastor Jamie.
Sunday Worship - The Second Sunday in Lent
Rewatch Sunday’s service here.
God is so good
God is so good
God is so good
He's so good to me
God forgives sin
God forgives sin
God forgives sin
He's so good to me
God blesses me
God blesses me
God blesses me
He's so good to me
God loves me so
God loves me so
God loves me so
He's so good to me
“Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.””
Do you have people you can take at their word? People you can trust no matter what? Being there for each other is a great gift of peace.
Sadly, too often, it has been said, 'Promises are made to be broken.' Promises are actually one of the greatest gifts we can give each other. Promises can give peace. Broken promises do not quiet the mind.
Covenants are better than promises. Covenants are incredible promises which demand each party keep their promise, even if the other party fails to keep their word.
Long ago, God created a covenant through Abram with all his people. The covenant is restored and fulfilled in Jesus, dying on the cross and rising to new life. God knows we are human and cannot always be trusted, that we do not always keep our word, that we break our promises. God in Christ promises, covenants, with us, too, to keep his heart on us, to be so good, to forgive sin, to bless us, to love us, to give us peace. The peace in our hearts is, trusting God's goodness, believing God keeps his promises and covenant forever, no matter what!
Let us pray: Jesus, you are so good to me. I trust you keep your word, I trust you no matter what. By your Holy Spirit, give me peace of mind, peace of heart, peace of spirit. I thank you and praise you, even when I break my promises, even when I fail to keep my heart on you, to make you first, your covenant in grace and mercy are forever. In your name and peace, I promise to always pray, in Christ alone. Amen.
An Extended Devotion On This St. Patrick's Day:
“If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also through his Spirit that dwells in you. ”
Happy St. Patrick's Day! So, do you have big plans to celebrate? Some people really get into it, even if they are not Irish. The music and people and gatherings and details and color add joy to the day.
What do you know about St. Patrick? Some historians tell conflicting accounts, but surprisingly many stories agree. St. Patrick was born in 385. His Christian family was of Roman citizenship. At the age of 16, St. Patrick was taken by marauders, sold into slavery, and taken to Ireland. After 6 years he escaped. Upon his escape he vowed to become a missionary. After completing his training, he then vowed to return to Ireland to evangelize the country and its people. In 432, St. Patrick arrived back in Ireland and began to Christianize the country. He died in the year 461.
It took great risk and a driven heart for St. Patrick to trust the same Spirit who raised Jesus, had come to dwell in him, to give his life to be a missionary. It took great risk to proclaim Christ. It took great risk to go back to the land and the people he had escaped from, the land and the people who had taken him into slavery, and to preach and to proclaim and to celebrate the grace of Christ which forgives and saves.
How does the same Spirit who raised Jesus, who called the Apostle Paul, who led St. Patrick, dwell in you and drive your heart today? Believe, The One who came to save and to guide St. Patrick, is glorified as he keeps his driven heart on you!
Let us pray: Jesus, it is easier for me to celebrate and not so easy to take risks. By your compassion and grace, help me hear your call, to trust your Spirit dwells in me. As I remember and celebrate the mission and ministry of St. Patrick, I surrender to the mission you have put on my heart. Keep your driven heart on me, and I will glorify you alone. In your name I boldly celebrate and proclaim the saving grace of Christ alone, as I pray. Amen.