Friday, March 18, 2022 - Lent Day 15
Lenten Midweek Worship
Watch our pre-recorded Lenten Midweek service here.
Our mid-week Lenten services will take place on facebook. Videos will be posted on our Facebook page. You can find them on our timeline and under, “videos.”
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Find the bulletin for this week’s Lenten Midweek Service here.
Sunday Worship - The Third Sunday in Lent - March 20, 2022
This Sunday is available for in-person worship. Due to volunteer schedules, we will not be available to Live Stream our service this coming Sunday. If you are interested in volunteering to bring Lord of Life LIVE to our congregation, please send us a message here or talk to Pastor Jamie.
A bulletin for this week’s service is available here.
Sunday Worship - The Second Sunday in Lent
Rewatch Sunday’s service here.
O Lord my God
When I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds
Thy hand hath made
I see the stars
I hear the rolling thunder
Thy pow'r throughout the universe displayed
Then sings my soul
My Savior God to thee
How great thou art
How great thou art
Then sings my soul
My Savior God to thee
How great thou art
How great thou art
“But our citizenship is in heaven, and it is from there that we are expecting a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.”
When you think of what makes God great, what do you think about? Do you consider all the worlds Thy hand hath made? Do you see the stars? Do you hear the rolling thunder?
Would you dare to consider one of God's greatest wonders is, you? Could one of God's great works be your soul knowing peace, and singing, how great Thou art? Do you believe your soul is blessed by grace to trust you have a place, and that your citizenship is in heaven? Do you believe any greatness you have is thanks to God's greatness, and God's greatest gift of grace, our Savior? Indeed, how great Thou art, for The One who is Greatness, keeps His heart on us, in Christ alone!
Let us pray: Jesus, today I thank you, for your greatness makes me great. My soul would not be able to sing without your awesome wonders. As I continue to be blessed by your grace this Lenten season, my soul will forever sing, my Savior God to thee. I thank you my greatness and my citizenship in heaven, and my peace, are thanks to you keeping your heart on me; how great Thou art. In the name of your greatness, O Lord my God, I pray. Amen.