Sunday, March 6, 2022 - The First Sunday in Lent
The First Sunday in Lent
Join us this Sunday, March 6, as we share The First Sunday In Lent, “Powerful Hearts, In Christ Alone!”
Faith Quest Sunday School meets this Sunday! Join us in-person or via our live stream efforts!
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Find the bulletin for this Sunday’s service here.
Mid-week Lenten Services
The remainder of our mid-week Lenten services will take place on facebook. Videos will be posted on our Facebook page. You can find them on our timeline and under, “videos.”
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Spirit of gentleness
Blow through the wilderness
Calling and free
Spirit of restlessness
Stir me from placidness
Wind on the sea
You swept through the desert
You stung with the sand
And you goaded your people
With a law and a land
And when they were blinded
With idols and lies
Then you spoke through the prophets
To open their eyes
“Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by The Spirit in the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. ”
Who do you call on when you feel lost in the wilderness, tempted; when Satan approaches, when you are beaten, so beaten you cannot keep your heart on Christ alone, so beaten one more day will break you?
As we begin our first full week of the Lenten season, we will find hope in The One who keeps his heart on us, giving us powerful hearts when we feel powerless.
As we look to Jesus being led into the wilderness do not read these verses too quickly. Take special note who led Jesus into the wilderness to let Satan know Satan was powerless; The Spirit!
Trust whatever wilderness you face each day, whatever wilderness you will encounter in the week ahead, The Spirit is keeping your heart on Christ alone! The Spirit has already come to you to give you power. This is a Spirit of gentleness, and restlessness, both protecting you and, with great power, stirring you from placidness. Today, be renewed, be blessed by The Spirit's presence and power, call on and trust The One who forever keeps his heart on you!
Let us pray: Lord today I call on you. Keep your heart and Spirit on me. Keep my heart on you, to see no matter the wilderness I face, no matter how powerless I can feel, you are already with me, leading me, saving me, beating Satan for me and the world. By your grace and Spirit, I will not be broken. My heart is so powerful, for in your name and Spirit, I pray and I live. Amen.