Saturday, March 5, 2022 - Lent Day 4
Ash Wednesday Worship REPLAY
Find the replay of our Ash Wednesday service on our facebook page here.
The First Sunday in Lent
Join us this Sunday, March 6, as we share The First Sunday In Lent, “Powerful Hearts, In Christ Alone!”
Faith Quest Sunday School meets this Sunday! Join us in-person or via our live stream efforts!
Find our link for Lord of Life LIVE here.
Mid-week Lenten Services
The remainder of our mid-week Lenten services will take place on facebook. Videos will be posted on our Facebook page. You can find them on our timeline and under, “videos.”
Follow us on facebook!
O Lord throughout these forty days
You prayed and kept the fast
Inspire repentance for our sin
And free us from our past.
“My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning, more than watchmen for the morning.
'All good things come to those who wait.' 'Patience is a virtue.' We all have things we have to wait for. Being patient is not easy. God is the most patient of all. The Holy Spirit keeps us patient.
The gift of these forty days of Lent is that while we wait to share the Easter celebration this year, while we wait for the glory of that final day like watchmen for the morning; the grace of God tells us the wait is over, God does not wait to keep our hearts on The One who has his heart on us, to help us right now, without waiting, to return to The Lord with all our heart. Our soul need not wait any longer, we have been freed from our past.
Let us pray: Jesus, waiting for you and your triumphant return can make me impatient. While I watch for you, more than watchmen for the morning, my soul indeed waits. While I wait for these forty days to pass to lead me to the victory of the Risen Christ this year, I will often fail to keep my heart on you. Keep your heart on me. Give me a spirit that will not wait, to trust in Christ alone. In your name I am actively patient, and I pray. Amen.