December 16, 2022 - Advent Devotion


Sunday Worship - The Fourth Sunday In Advent
Lighting of The Angel/Star Candle & Special Music

Sunday, December 18, 2022, 9:30am
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One Small Child


One small Child in a land of a thousand
One small dream of a Savior tonight
One small hand reaching out to the star light
One small city of life
See Him lying
A cradle beneath Him
See Him smiling in the stall
See His mother praising His Father
See His tiny eyelids fall

... the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have good news brought to them. And blessed is anyone who takes no offense at me.
— Matthew 11:5-6

On. Off. Stand. Sit. Good. Bad. Yes. No.

Opposites are an important way we learn things. Especially when we are young, opposites help establish patterns and relationships which allow us to build one concept onto another.

As we continue to reflect this week on hearing the Good News of the greatest joy, we also continue to reflect on Jesus' words to John the Baptist's disciples. Jesus brings comfort and joy in these mysterious and miraculous opposites, "the blind see, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have good news."

The Good News of comfort and joy for all to hear is this: Here is the One who is the opposite of what we used to know, of what we are so often drawn to, of what the world knows, of what most think of when they think of hope and security and salvation. Here is One Small Child when everyone is expecting one who is great and mighty. This One Small Child is your Savior this day and forever!

Let us pray: Lord, I confess I often go in a direction opposite from you, I am drawn to desires opposite from you. Through your grace, turn my heart and my spirit back to you, to receive from you the very opposite of what it is I deserve. As I am blessed by your faithfulness, I praise you, for it is indeed this One Small Child who saves me. Making you and others first seems so opposite from the way of the world even at this time of year, so I simply surrender myself to you, trusting in you, and in your comfort and joy. Amen.

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