Thursday, March 24, 2022 - Lent Day 20
Sunday Worship - The Fourth Sunday in Lent - March 27, 2022
Join us Sunday, March 27, 9:30 a.m., as we share The Fourth Sunday In Lent, “Compassionate Hearts, In Christ Alone!”
Faith Quest Sunday School meets next Sunday! Join us in-person or via our live stream efforts on Facebook!
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Thy Word
Is a lamp unto my feet
And a light
Unto my path.
Thy Word
Is a lamp unto my feet
And a light
Unto my path
When I feel afraid
Think I've lost my way
Still you're there
Right beside me
And nothing will I fear
As long as you are near
Please be near me
To the end
“You shall not make for yourself an idol ...
You shall not bow down to them or worship them ...Seek The Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near. ”
Game Shows have been part of television life since its inception. "Password," "What's My Line?" "The Gong Show," "Truth or Consequences," “Let’s Make A Deal,” and “Jeopardy,” were some of the first, some of the oldest. Such game shows used to be part of prime time TV. Several years ago, "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" gave prime time game shows a comeback, then there was "Deal Or No Deal," “The Wall,” “The Chase,” and, "Minute To Win It" and so on.
"Millionaire" was the first to offer - life lines, including phone a friend.
As we continue our Lenten journey, we are blessed with God's overflowing grace in Christ alone. God's blessings are given every day. God's grace breaks into our prime time, any time of day. We have the best of all life lines, as we seek The Lord while he may be found, and call on him while he is near, which is always.
Are you looking for a life line? Are you looking for riches? No deal is necessary! We win every minute, thanks to The One who keeps his heart on us! May The Spirit right beside you, assure you, in Christ alone you are blessed, nothing will you fear, for Thy Word is the brightest lamp and the most trusted light unto our path.
Let us pray: Jesus, I am sorry, I often go looking for the riches of this world. By your overflowing grace, renew my faith to seek you and to call on you, for you are so near. Be my life line, give me life, keep your heart on me, be near me to the end, be my lamp and my light, and I will forever celebrate your richest blessings. In Jesus' light and grace alone, I pray. Amen.