Friday, March 4, 2022 - Lent Day 3
Ash Wednesday Worship REPLAY
Find the replay of our Ash Wednesday service on our facebook page here.
The First Sunday in Lent
Join us this Sunday, March 6, as we share The First Sunday In Lent, “Powerful Hearts, In Christ Alone!”
Faith Quest Sunday School meets this Sunday! Join us in-person or via our live stream efforts!
Find our link for Lord of Life LIVE here.
Mid-week Lenten Services
The remainder of our mid-week Lenten services will take place on facebook. Videos will be posted on our Facebook page. You can find them on our timeline and under, “videos.”
Follow us on facebook!
Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost
But now am found
Was blind
But now I see
“If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with you, and you should be revered.
We spend much of our lives competing with others, comparing ourselves with others. When it is done for hobby and sport and exercise, it can bring enjoyment and fun. When it is done for status, validation, esteem, purpose, confidence, advancement; score-keeping can be painful.
If we were to keep score with God, we would lose every time. It would not be a very sweet sound at all. If we thought we were able to keep score against others and their discipleship, we might think we win; then we would see this is blindness, and we would lose, every time. If Jesus were to keep score of our iniquities, you and I would miss out, we would not stand! Thanks be to God, in amazing grace, God keeps his heart on us, we win, the victory is ours, for there is forgiveness! We have not lost, we are not lost! Let this next round of grace begin!
Let us pray: Jesus, today, I tell you I want so much to be a winner. I want to be a better disciple. I want to make changes in my life for you. Remove from me this desire to beat others, and to beat down others. There is no sweet sound in this. By your Holy Spirit, I see there is no need to keep score. Keep your heart on me, and give me the joy of forgiveness. By your Spirit, I will forever believe, I do not miss out; I will forever revere Jesus, for I have been crowned thanks to his heart in his amazing grace. In the victory of Christ alone, I pray. Amen.